The soft rays of the sun peer through the slits of the shear covered windows. The room is aglow with a soft warming light that is as enticing as it is welcoming to another round of napping before the initial steps beckon me out of bed. The dreams were sweet and the night was restful. Yes, the saturation of the rest was complete.
My gaze rested upon the unoccupied pillow beside me. My eyes scanned the surroundings and I knew my dreams were over and the day was setting in. As preparations had begun for the day, no other voices, or coughs, or soft “I love you” could be found. This day began in the quietness of the early morning hours.
Stirring up on the horizon the sun was quickly approaching liftoff for the morning commute. It was peaking above the treetops as cars were joining together for the drive into the city. How many were enjoying the wakening of the morning? How many were truly awake? Yes, the commute carried the quiet ride that allows for the transition to the mayhem of work.
Once the work day had completed, the actions to return home were all to familiar. Windows up or down? Talk show or music? Radio or silence? No calls to Grandma, for she has entered the rest of heaven. So the determination was to return home for the next workout and then to prep dinner.
Stillness was awaiting as the front door cracked open. The evening rays had drifted in from the western sky casting long shadows around the room. Yes, it was ready for another DVD and workout. Then as the evening set about and the vast emptiness bore witness to another day that had come and gone. The closing prayers and thoughts of the day were garnishing the tables of heaven.
But the void isn’t completely vacated. There is actually a bit of hope in it. What you can’t see is that seed of faith. It’s a language that is hidden from anyone who is not you and your Maker. It is your watering and your sacrifice that is allowing it to grow. This faith seed that was planted years ago has blossomed into a beautiful tree. It is almost ready for the picking, but don’t be to hasty or too lazy. Be on time.
God makes a promise it is carried out by Him in His timing. He minds you to think on Solomon’s song and wait for the right time. Don’t awaken the fruit out of season. When the affairs of the heart matter, consult your Physician. Don’t mingle where your food is not and be ready when it is your time to dine. The healer of hearts knows what you are missing and long for, He caveats along the way as He guides. Pray. Listen. Believe. Set your gaze and wait.
Godspeed, The Journeyman
Ps. It is something when you are a little fish seeing a reflective image in front of you and you want to nibble at it. If you are not careful, that little nibble can have a nasty hook intended to sweep you away. May the saltiness of the Lord be found in you! Read: Song of Solomon; Psalm 27:14; Psalm 91 (This may be a warrior’s psalm, but all warriors don’t carry guns. There is a promise for all who call upon Him. May Jesus delight in you!)